Botanical Modulators for Female Endocrine Stress

Posted May 21st, 2015 by VCIH

an herbal intensive with Mary Bove
Saturday September 26, 9am – 1pm
$50/$45 for members

Naturopathic and Botanical Medicines offer several therapeutic options for application in female restorative endocrinology. Explore the use of natural alternative therapies and botanical medicines as modulating agents in the treatment of menopausal complaints, mood disorders, and fertility issues. View relative case histories and comprehensive integrated naturopathic and botanical treatment plans for targeting the challenges of the female physiology. Dr Bove’s 25 years of clinical experience in women’s health care and botanical medicine brings useful therapeutic strategies for creating an effective treatment plan.

Female endocrine deregulation is an endocrine viscous cycle that involves suboptimal function of the female endocrine system leading to symptoms, diseases, and syndromes including PCOD, obesity, premenstrual syndrome, infertility syndrome, menopausal symptoms, hypothyroidism, insulin intolerance, anxiety, depression, and adrenal insufficiency syndrome. None of these diseases are life threatening per say yet all of them have the potential to be very disruptive in one’s life, thus diminishing the quality of one’s life and health.

Approaching the breakdown of the female endocrine system with the health difficulties and challenges it presents demands a look at the multiple factors and etiologies that lie behind the dysfunction in the female endocrine system. Many of the factors contributing towards the dysfunction of the female endocrine system are found in our internal and external environment including; environmental toxins, electromagnetic fields, plastics, cosmetics, food products, allergens, glucose deregulation, pharmaceuticals, caffeine, alcohol, digestive issues, poor detoxification channels, light cycle disruptions, stress, attitude, social exposure, and sense of self. A viscous cycle of symptoms, dysfunction, and lack of wellness in the woman’s health picture often prevails with no specific pathology as with infertility or menopausal symptoms. Finding a place to jump into the viscous cycle that is created between the female endocrine system and the female body is the first step to establishing a plan of education, coping skills, stress reduction techniques, life style changes, diet education, and natural medicines. Once into the cycle follow it around the circle of the body, working towards balancing, toning and re-establishing homeostasis between the body systems and the female endocrine system.

The lecture will cover naturopathic and botanical tools used for building optimal health in the female endocrine system cultivating wellness, optimal endocrine function, and the treatment of illness. Botanical medicines used for female endocrine health will be discussed in terms of active constituents, pharmacological activity, recent clinical trials, safety, dosing and application. *All genders welcome to attend.

Dr. Mary Bove obtained her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine and Midwifery Certification from Bastyr College of Natural Health Sciences in Seattle, WA. and received her Diploma of Phytotherapy/HerbalMedicine at the School of Phytotherapy in Great Britain. Dr. Bove practiced Naturopathic Family Medicine and Midwifery at the Brattleboro Naturopathic Clinic, Brattleboro, VT. for 24 years, specializing in Naturopathic Pediatrics.

Once a full-time faculty member at Bastyr University, Dr Bove chaired the departments of Botanical Medicine and Naturopathic Midwifery. Dr Bove is the author of the Encyclopedia of Natural Healing for Children and Infants considered an authoritative reference on natural pediatric medicine. Mary co-authored Herbs for Women’s Health and has been published in many magazines, journals and collaborative books on botanical and natural medicine. She lectures and teaches internationally on the topics of naturopathic medicine, botanical medicine, pediatrics, natural pregnancy, childbirth, traditional food medicine and mind-body healing. In collaboration with Gaia Herbs® Dr Bove developed an herbal remedy line designed specifically for children. She is currently Medical Educator for Gaia Herbs Brevard, NC.